FIN 211 Unit 1

Improvisation: Begin a drawing without preconceived plans.

This was difficult and I do not think I succeeded at this task. I write through my drawings, reflecting and figuring things out. What is this drawing asking me? Put pen to paper!

These three drawings are examples of things I do not like when it comes to drawing.

  1. Contour lines and drawing a line around images.
  2. Societies’ norm of using specific colours to represent gender.
  3. The historical use and overuse of the male gaze to present the “Canon”

Disruption of Taste:

  1. Working around with elements I dislike: I am not a fan of Matisse’s style of line and colour. So I set out to create a line contour drawing using pen and felt markers. I do not like to draw with pen and markers.
  2. Learn to take risks through processes. I studied Matisse and learned more about his art process, the what, how, and why he worked the way he did. So I set out to mimic a style I do not like.
  3. Use something from the external world to guide decisions. I did just that using pink, orange, gold, bronze, silver, and blue.
  4. Resolve the drawing satisfactorily. I am satisfied that I do not like this drawing.

Disruption of Taste: Henri Matisse, 1939, click the link below to read the full article.

Fluorescent pink paint

Blue Sharpie Marker and Light Blue Sharpie Marker

Gold and Silver Sharpie Marker for the flower outlines and centers then Orange Sharpie Marker for the flowers.

Disrupted taste